Tuesday, 30 June 2009

30 June 2009

08h36 - Start of the "The World According to Pumba". I have been fishing with ideas on what to do here and have decided that a "Spud" type diary is the way to go. I'll post as often as I can and as often as I can remember.

09h15 - Blade (the dog, medium black lab) has just decided that grass is far more edible than the specialist labrodor food we buy him. It's strange seeing a black lab chewing grass like a cow.

09h40 - The daily banter with the cricket side has started, Dog, Badger, Dilbert, Quaggy, Flounder, The Human Destroyer - Our cricket side sounds like the local rabbit who found one too many willing partners - truth be told it's probably not far off the truth.

13h08 - Finished bringing in the washing, I have now been jobless for 3 months and the household chores are starting to almost become second nature, you know there are problems when you know the cycles of your dishwasher and washing machine better than your wife does!