Thursday, 2 July 2009

2nd July 2009

09h27 - It has now been 129 days without a job, I am loosing my mind. I have applied for well in excess of 200 jobs and still the big nothingness that is a jobless Pumba. I also managed to put my foot in my mouth when my wife came to cuddle at 3 in the morning by saying I was too hot. 3 hours later and no sleep on my side and at least we were on speaking terms again. One day I will learn to just shut up! I also feel really crappy about selections and sent a mail to the Doger and Qais. They should have played instead of the non-committed yet stronger players. Hind sight is 20/20. Hope they don't think I am a total pratt.

17h00 - Waited the whole day in vain just in case the recruitment company called for an interview, no such luck. Roo (stepson) went off and played tennis with his friend that's a girl Frankie. I have sat in front of my PC scouring the Internet for even more jobs, I have now applied for post in Nigeria, can you Adam and Eve it. I am that desperate. Watched Serena "I am 99.9% human and not ape" Williams beat Elena, really sad the Russian could not put away match point when she had the chance. I suppose that's what BMT is all about. I think I have that BMT ... *Serious face*. Walked Blade and the dog is now out for the count. It's 29° and humid as all hell. A black Lab and the sun/heat is not a good recipe for the poor guy.

2 - A £750 plasma screen will save a 10p fuse by blowing first.

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